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A Holiday Renaming Update

Mark Brewer President & CEO, Lightbend, Inc.

A brief update on Typesafe's renaming process 

Before the holidays get into full gear, I wanted to put out a short update regarding the Typesafe renaming process.

In my last update, I described my journey into the complexities behind renaming a company; especially when it comes to legal side of navigating international regulations. It’s fair to say that I’ve learned far more than I’d expected about the challenges of changing a company name.

That said, we’ve hit the books hard and were able to accomplish a lot on the legal side of things. At this point we are engaged in the final preparatory stages with our legal advisors. This means that we plan to have a more interesting and detailed update for you in early February 2016.

Thanks again for your continued support, patience and feedback during this process. Enjoy the holidays, and see you next year!

p.s. We recently published Going Reactive 2016, where we surveyed over 3000 people. Among many interesting trends, 80% of respondents believe that most successful enterprises will be deploying Reactive systems by 2018. I invite you to check it out: