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Production deployment of the Akka Platform and / or Akka Insights requires the purchase of a Lightbend Subscription and acceptance of the terms outlined in the Lightbend Subscription Agreement.

Use of Akka insights in development requires acceptance of the terms outlined in the Lightbend Subscription Agreement.

Simple Build Tool (sbt) is available under the BSD License.

Lagom and Play Framework available under the Apache License, v2.0.

The following projects available under the BSL, v1.1:

  • akka
  • akka-http
  • akka-grpc
  • akka-management
  • alpakka
  • alpakka-kafka
  • akka-persistence-jdbc
  • akka-persistence-cassandra
  • akka-projection
  • akka-persistence-r2dbc
  • akka-persistence-spanner

Lightbend Consulting and Services Engagements are covered by the Lightbend Consulting and Services Agreement.

Scala and the Scala IDE for Eclipse are available under the Scala License.

Other non-Lightbend products and dependencies are licensed by those products and may share or publish licenses in a manner they see fit.

Another Place to Look

If you have questions about Lightbend, its projects, or its software, we recommend contacting us at

If you have a question specifically about these licenses or distribution of Lightbend software, and it has not been answered by this page, you may send a message to requesting clarification.