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Akka 2.1 Feature Spotlights

The first release candidate of Akka 2.1 was released last week! Now is a great time to take it for a spin and give feedback before 2.1.0 goes final!

A series of short blog posts will "Spotlight" the new Akka 2.1 features on the Akka Team Blog during the upcoming weeks. In fact, there are already four Akka 2.1 Spotlights:

  1. Try the new shiny actor DSL in the REPL
  2. A circuit breaker for asynchronous calls
  3. Get notifications when new nodes joins and leaves the cluster
  4. Cluster failure detection hooked hooked up with death watch

More exciting posts are in the pipeline. So stay tuned and watch the Akka Team Blog for more Spotlights!