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Akka 5 Year Anniversary!

With the five year anniversary of Akka coming up on July 12, I started to reflect on some of the key moments. As I sat there jotting down milestones (thinking I'd just do a quick blog post), a rush of memories hit me with respect to inspirations, people, and milestones that all contributed to Akka becoming what it is today.

Eventually there was so much stuff on paper that it was clear a more visual layout was in order, so we created an infographic for your viewing pleasure (Click on the image to take you to the full image):

My greatest fear now is that there are key people I am going to offend by not remembering to include. Remember, I too am five years older, with five years fewer brain cells. So please accept my apologies if I forgot you.

And if you have anything you'd like to share about Akka as we celebrate the five year anniversary and the exciting things ahead, please shout out on Twitter (#akkaanniversary).

For more celebration, register for Akka Days later this month!