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Akka Revealed: A JVM Architect’s Journey From Resilient Actors To Scalable Clusters

A Comprehensive Overview Of A To Z With Akka


"It was an eye opening webinar, thx."

Joakim Sandström(@sandstromj)

By now, you’ve probably heard of Akka, the JVM toolkit for building scalable, resilient and resource efficient applications in Java or Scala. With over 12 open-source and commercial modules in the toolkit, Akka takes developers from actors on a single JVM, all the way out to network partition healing and clusters of servers distributed across fleets of JVMs. But with such a broad range of features, how can Architects and Developers grok Akka from a high-level perspective?

In this technical webinar by Hugh McKee, O’Reilly author and Developer Advocate at Lightbend, we introduce Akka from A to Z, starting with a tour from the humble actor and finishing all the way at the clustered systems level. Specifically, we review:

  • How Akka Actors behave, create systems, and manage supervision and routing
  • The way Akka embraces Reactive Streams with Akka Streams and Alpakka
  • How various components of the Akka toolkit provide out-of-the-box solutions for distributed data, distributed persistence, pub-sub, and ES/CQRS
  • How Akka works with microservices, and brings this functionality into Lagom and Play Frameworks
  • Looking at Akka clusters, how Akka is used to build distributed clustered systems that incorporate clusters within clusters
  • What’s needed to orchestrate and deploy complete Reactive Systems built with Akka

Watch The Full Video (60 Min)


More Resources You May Enjoy

Get started off with Akka the right way. Check out these resources for learning more about the Actor model, commerical Akka features, and deploying on Kubernetes. If you'd like to reach out to a Lightbend representative to discuss subscriptions, short-term consulting, training and other enablement services for your team, simply contact us below!