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Announcing EmojR, a Reactive Emoji as a Service (EaaS) platform

April 1, 2015 - Parking Garage B, Uppsala, Sweden

Typesafe, provider of the world’s leading Reactive platform and the company behind Play Framework, Akka, and Scala, today announced the upcoming availability of a new product EmojR (e-MO-jure). EmojR is designed to make the emoji handling processes of DevOps teams more Reactive and distributable.

EmojR provides users with a fully integrated Emoji as a Service (EaaS) platform with message-driven, microservice-based components that process sentiment data and user psychologies across global networks. The goal of EmojR is to help enterprises make more intelligent decisions by providing access to a wide spectrum of socio-behavioral data currently stored inefficiently inside mobile handsets, portable hard drives and physical diaries.

According to Typesafe's Chief Social Media Officer, Nye Konn, the applications of EaaS extend naturally into Fast Data and predictive analysis. "We saw that the :frustrated: emoji was used in 98% of cases when mobile users experienced dramatic overheating due to faulty 3rd-party software. This lets us know more, faster, and respond quickly."

Typesafe EmojR is currently in beta, but future development plans include:

  • Spark integration for Big Emoji processing

  • Ansible/Chef/Puppet scripts for emoji configuration management

  • Docker integration for emojiVM containerization

  • Node.ej API, a new JS library for distributed emoji services

  • Akka-Emoji-Cluster management focused on micro-emoji bundles

Will Sargent, creator of Emoji Handling Library on which EmojR is based, is planning to host a 120-minute interactive demo in the coming months. “The second they said emoji, I said HELL YES, I’ve got 8 minutes to kill while waiting for the bus,” remarked Sargent. “It’s not every day that you really make a difference in subtle ways like this…with resilient, event-driven, microservice-based emoji now available to anyone, anywhere, I really think that we’re changing the world."