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Berlin Hackathon Wrap Up

Recently we hosted a Hackathon at Immobilienscout in Berlin to get everyone excited for Scala Days! We’re happy to say it was a huge success! Markus and Lutz teamed up with Berlin's thriving Scala community, encouraging participants to create something special in a short time. The event started on Friday evening with folks pitching their original ideas, to win over others to join their teams, and we wrapped things up on Sunday to review the projects and vote on winners!

6 Teams hacked some really cool apps. Even a remote team from Barcelona joined. So our Hackathon was even distributed :)

Check out some photos here:

All the teams created impressive projects. In the end, it was a close race, with the winner coming out just one vote in front of the runner-up! The first three places were held by:

  1. SlickDroid: Slick driver on Android:
  2. SBuild: SBuild Server to improve incremental compilation:
  3. Httpize: clone based on http4s and Scalaz Streams: hosted at 

A huge thanks to all who participated, especially Piyush Purang, Mario Krautz and Dajana Gunther for helping us organize!

We hope to organize similar events in the future! Stay tuned :)