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Building Streaming And Fast Data Applications With Spark, Mesos, Akka, Cassandra And Kafka

The Competitive Advantage Of Real-Time Insights From Fast, Streaming Data


It’s become clear to many business that the ability to extract real-time actionable insights from data is not only a source of competitive advantage, but also a way to defend their existing business models from disruption. So while legacy models such as nightly batch jobs aren’t disappearing, an era of fast, streaming data (aka “Fast Data”) is upon us, and represents the state of the art for gaining real-time perishable insights that can then be used to serve existing customers better, acquiring new markets and keep the competition at bay.

That said, distributed, Fast Data architectures are much harder to build, and carry their own set of challenges. Enterprises looking to move quickly are presented with a growing ecosystem of technologies, which often delays fast decisions and provides its own set of risks:

  • With so many choices, what tools should you use?
  • How do you avoid making rookie mistakes?
  • What are the best patterns and practices for streaming applications?

In this webinar with Sean Glover, Senior Consultant at Lightbend and industry veteran, we examine the rise of streaming systems built around Spark, Mesos, Akka, Cassandra and Kafka, and their role in handling endless streams of data to gain real-time insights. Sean then reviews how Lightbend Fast Data Platform (FDP) brings them together in a comprehensive, easy to use, integrated platform, which includes installation, integration, and monitoring tools tuned for various deployment scenarios, plus sample applications.

Watch The Full Video + Q/A (59 Min)


Get Started With Lightbend Fast Data Platform

The goal of Lightbend FDP is to take away the pain of creating and managing clusters and the streaming applications that run on them. FDP packages together robust OSS tools, commercial modules and best practices for solving typical streaming design problems. To meet the advanced needs of enterprises, FDP offers:

  • Full Platform: Combines SMACK with Lightbend Reactive Platform, providing Management, Monitoring, Advanced Tooling and Enterprise Integrations for microservices, streaming, machine and deep learning, and Fast Data applications.
  • Rapid Time To Value: Integration and installation tools are included to accelerate ramping up to build streaming data systems and the clustered applications that run on them.
  • Intelligent Management: Driving by machine learning, FDP provides intelligent monitoring and management tools to keep your systems resilient, scalable, and responsive with minimal user intervention.
  • Best Practices And Guidance: Interactive developer assist is included to provide best practices advice and guidance through sample applications, documentation, and enablement services.
  • Continuous Improvements: enables ongoing platform learning–without users having to upgrade–through cluster analysis that trains models for anomaly detection, predictive maintenance, auto-scaling, and other capabilities.

If your team doesn't have months to get started with your streaming and Fast Data projects, look into our FDP Early Access Program: