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Case Study: WhitePages Rebuilds with Scala and Akka to Improve Scaling

Excited to share our newest case study with the WhitePages team today! By replacing Perl and Ruby applications with Scala-based code and an Akka runtime environment, the WhitePages was able to deliver huge improvements in application speed and hardware utilization.

"With non-Reactive, non-evented languages built around process models, we tied up big chunks of memory and were limited to how much concurrency we could get on a server. With Akka and Scala, concurrency is just there," says Devin Ben-Hur, Senior Architect at WhitePages. "It gives us much better flexibility and a more efficient code base."

A big thanks to Devin Ben-Hur and Robert Noble, Director of Software Engineering, at the WhitePages for sharing their success story.

Read the full post here.