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Cloud Native Adoption Trends: New Lightbend Survey Shows a Divide Between Developers and IT Leaders

Download your copy of Cloud Native Adoption Trends 2020-2021 to explore the ongoing tension between developers and IT leaders around what the highest priorities are for cloud native migrations.


About This Survey

We’re now more than 14 years into the great cloud migration that began in 2006 when Amazon launched EC2.

We’ve seen applications—and entire companies—conceived and built in the cloud. Applications that were never meant to run on bare metal in your server closet, that were written with an entirely different perspective on how software should be built, run, and maintained.

Building cloud native applications means creating software that is designed with the advantages—and disadvantages—of the cloud in mind. It means taking advantage of the fact that it’s possible to outsource entire categories of functionality—like databases and authentication—to public cloud services and planning for the fact that communication between those cloud components might be unreliable.

It also means taking advantage of new ways of building software, like continuous integration and continuous delivery, that make it possible to get new products and features to market quicker.

To better understand the trends impacting enterprises, Lightbend has released its third survey analysis that paints a picture of companies in the midst of rapid technological change and faced with big decisions about their futures.

Our survey of over 1,000 developers, architects, and IT leaders shows that while most enterprises are in the midst of rapid technological change, developers and management disagree about what the highest priorities are—or should be—for cloud native migrations.

Download the full report to explore insights that reveal:

  • Management tends to have a clearer view of “cloud native” than developers

  • Microservices and containers are key to cloud portability and performance

  • Enterprises are torn between automation and configurability

  • Developers and executives don’t always prioritize the same things

$1 was donated for each completed survey which resulted in over $1,000 to the Center for Disaster Philanthropy, a non-profit organization that mobilizes a full range of resources that strengthen the ability of communities to withstand disasters and recover equitably.