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Check out Data and Scala By The Bay 2016 (at a discount!)

We are excited to invite you to attend Data By the Bay 2016! Spanning 150 talks and 3 innovative sessions over 5 days on May 16-20, Data By The Bay is a by-data engineers, for-data engineers developer and data scientist conference.

Join in-depth talks from Google (BigQuery and Translate), Baidu Research, MetaMind, StitchFix (Deep Learning), Microsoft, Bloomberg, Quora, Dato (Machine Learning), Netflix (Recommender Systems), IBM (Watson), Facebook, ClearStory (DataViz), LinkedIn, Yahoo, H2O, Mesosphere (Data Pipelines), Samsung, Automatic (IoT), Salesforce, Workday, Cloudera (Spark), Pivotal (OSS), Zillow, Pandora, Nitro, Mattermark, Credit Karma, University of California-Berkeley, Stanford University, City of San Francisco, and many others. See the full schedule here.

Engage with speakers

Get in touch with speakers via the  Quora thread and find out what you can expect from their sessions at Data By The Bay:

Scala by the bay CfP is open

Scala By the Bay (SBTB) is in its fourth year.  It is more than just a software engineering conference, which it is in spades.  It is now three such conferences, spanning five days.  It is the biggest Scala community in the world -- that of the San Francisco Bay Area.  It is SF Scala, the biggest Scala-meetup in the world, now over 3,000 members, several closely-related Spark meetups, with about 10,000 members combined, a growing Reactive Community, and other OSS groups. In 2015, they’ve added two major parts to the conference sequence, making Scala By the Bay the longest Scala conference in the recorded history of humankind. FinagleCon, the first Twitter Stack conference, started SBTB, with Marius Eriksen keynoting (thus transitively preserving the tradition whereby Marius opened all SBTBs).  FinagleCon made major strides in bringing the world to Twitter OSS and Twitter OSS to the world.  Companies like Buoyant, Criteo, Pinterest, SoundCloud and others shared their use of Finagle.  

This year, SBTB partners with Twitter from the very beginning to run a joint CFP and integrate Twitter Stack -- all of it, not just Finagle -- into the conference.  With Big Data Scala becoming Big Data Pipelines, we're opening the floor to systems like Heron and Flink, naturally complementing Scala on the JVM (which is one of the key points of Scala).  Twitter OSS will now be an integral part of the SBTB, which is the first two-day part of the 2016 sequence (October 17-18).

The call for papers for Scala By The Bay ends May 31st. Submit today!

Get a 15% Lightbend discount!

As a thank you to our readers, we hope you can enjoy this 15% discount code for Data By The Bay: LIGHT15.