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Devoxx Belgium: Scalapolis 2014?

Next week is Devoxx 2014 - the original one in Belgium (Devoxx now has a franchise with conferences in the UK and France in addition to Belgium). It’s one of the largest independent developer conferences in the world, and a huge draw every year for around 3500 developers.

Those of you who have been around a while might remember that Devoxx wasn’t always called Devoxx. It used to have the name Javapolis (it takes place in the Metropolis in Antwerp - a phenomenal cinema where every presentation is like giving a keynote at other conferences). The name changed quite a few years ago now to reflect, amongst other things, the changing nature of the conference —  it’s no longer just about Java or even Java languages. All developers are welcome.

Some of us miss the old Javapolis name though, and it got me thinking: what’s the Scala presence like this year. Have we got a case for renaming it Scalapolis yet?

The answer is that we are not quite ready to rename it just yet (nor would Stephan let us, nor should he), but Scala certainly has a strong showing indeed this year.

First up, I typed Scala as a search term into the Devoxx android app, and got 13 matches just on that tiny effort. Search is available on the web UI too, of course. The matching sessions are:

What does this tell us, other than almost everyone in the world has a more difficult name to type than mine? Well, Scala’s pretty darn popular at Devoxx this year, but wait! There’s more! A few nestled in there that will likely be of interest but don’t explicitly mention Scala but other Typesafe products instead:

A pretty good catch in all.

And of course, there are other languages than Scala out there in the world. Some of the others that catch my eye include:

That just about fills my dance card. There’s going to be some great talks, and there’s a strong showing this year for both functional and reactive programming themes.

Scalapolis? Not yet, but Devoxx is going to be great this year. In between sessions make sure to swing by the Typesafe booth (#11) and say hello!