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Distributed Design for Distributed Collaboration: Flowdock selects Scala and Akka

When working in a distributed company, tools that easily enable cross-team, low-friction and global collaboration are key to productive communication - something we’ve definitely learned at Typesafe!

Flowdock is a powerful platform that integrates activity from various project management tools, version control systems, customer feedback channels and many other sources into an easily consumable stream. Leveraging Scala and Akka for scalability and high-performance, Flowdock makes it easy for teams to work through issues together, and react in seconds.

To build this collaboration tool, Otto Hilska, selected Scala and Akka, due to the familiar world of the JVM, and the ability to utilize the Actor model. Our newest case study discusses how Otto’s team (a Ruby on Rails shop) selected Scala and Akka for its core messaging messaging service, bringing a team with no Scala knowledge up to speed quickly; the use case also highlights how Flockdock handles 1700 messages/second routinely and can scale far beyond that if necessary!

Read the full case study here.