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Doing Scala Days 2013 in Style

It’s hard to believe that the fourth annual Scala Days is less than a month away. After Lausanne in 2010, Stanford in 2011, London in 2012, we are going to meet next in New York. When we had our first Scala Days in Lausanne in 2010, I remember being blown away and excited by the enthusiasm and passion this group of developers who came together to share their experiences with this relatively new, academic language.

Now, after reading through all the impressive submissions from the community, universities and enterprise IT shops, I’m so proud and humbled by how mature and expansive the community has become. I think the conference agenda, from sessions on asynchronous programming to building scalable, highly concurrent and fault-tolerant systems, is truly astounding and I’m looking forward to seeing everyone there.

This year, I will give a talk on writing Scala with style, which I think reflects where we are in the course of the language. One of the things that makes Scala special, to me, is it’s expressive power; this can be both a blessing and a curse, so I want to share how to make the best of it, and give my personal summary of what I think makes good Scala style. As with most questions of style, the discussion will be quite subjective, and some of it might be controversial. I hope attendees find this session stimulating, and I think it will set the stage nicely for the rest of the conference.

See you in NYC!

By Martin Odersky, Chairman, Chief Architect & Co-Founder of Typesafe