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Get A 20% Lightbend Discount For Scala By The Bay

Scala, Akka, Lagom And More

Scala By the Bay (SBTB) is the oldest and biggest West Coast Scala conference in the US, continuously run since 2013. For years Typesafe, now Lightbend, has been instrumental in its home community. This Scala+Scale=Scalæ By the Bay has three major tracks:

  • Functional Programming
  • Reactive Microservices Architecture
  • Fast Data Pipelines

We are happy to extend our special discount LIGHTBEND20 to the whole conference, fully hosted at Twitter’s San Francisco headquarters for the first time on November 11-13.  Twitter is the largest Scala software system running at global scale.

With 80+ speakers, and 1/3 of all submissions on streaming architectures, SBTB is the biggest conference on modern software architectures, including Microservices, Spark, and overall SMACK Stack.

From our Scala team, Adriaan Moors will speak on the future of Scala programming language, foundational for the whole ecosystem.  In our outreach on social media, his talk is trending the highest, reflecting the truly fundamental work by the Lightbend Scala team.

Akka, at the core of our Reactive Platform, is presented in multiple talks.  Jamie Allen, a veteran Lightbender who has just became the Director of Engineering at Starbucks, will talk about the Future of Services and Lagom, our opinionated microservice framework for making microservices as simple as a Play app for web development.

Our client, Credit Karma, the Gold sponsor of the conference, describes their deployment of Akka Streams, a Reactive streaming architecture integrating back pressure into the whole data flow, for large scale data processing, and the best practices  learned along the way.

Our partner data Artisans, the creators of Apache Flink, a streaming-first data pipeline and framework, will present stateful stream processing — a comprehensive approach to handle streaming data with events, failure handling, cluster upgrades, etc.

The keynotes by Miles Sabin, Julie Pitt, and Jay Kreps focus on the rise of Functional Programming, Data and AI, and Streaming Architectures. IBM, Uber, Bloomberg, and others share their Spark use cases. Salesforce gives insights into Machine Learning and AI built with Scala and Spark, recently unveiled as Einstein. Spotify shows how it moved to Google Cloud Platform and developed scio, its API for it in Scala. All major notebooks -- Spark Notebook, Zeppelin, and Jupyter -- are presented by their (Scala backend) creators. For the first time at any Scala conference, Twitter shares detailed experiences on its service and data stacks, with multiple teams presenting. Three panels close each day: Scaling Scala Teams with experienced managers of Scala teams from Verizon, Netflix, Twitter, and others.; Data Pipelines with Helena Edelson, Reynold Xin of Databricks, Nikita Shamgunov of MemSQL and more; and Future of FP will close with Miles Sabin, Oscar Boykin, Paul Snively, and others.

The conference is nearly sold out, but we’re happy to extend the code LIGHTBEND20 to our friends and partners while the remaining late-bird registrations last. Join us inside the largest living Scala system in the world to learn how to build your own!