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activator scala

Go Reactive Activator Contest: Scala Days Edition

Show off your skills and help fellow devs get started building Reactive apps by participating in the Go Reactive Activator Competition! This competition will focus on Activator templates that highlight Scala, and winners will be announced at the 5th annual Scala Days conference in Berlin.

The Challenge

You have until June 6th to create an Activator Template that includes the following tenets:

  • Written in Scala
  • Tutorial demonstrating clear understanding of related technology
  • Features original content (cannot duplicate templates already in Template Library)
  • Must be Apache Licensed to permit others to build an app based on the template without restriction

What does a template consist of? Activator templates are just sbt projects with some metadata, a license, and a tutorial, aimed to get people started learning new technology or concepts. When creating your own template either create an sbt project from scratch or start with an existing project.

Be creative in your project! The templates will be judged on originality, code quality and clarity of the tutorial.


Winners will be announced at Scala Days 2014 in Berlin. First place prize receives one of these shiny new 3DR RTF Y6 helicopter drones. Three runners up will receive $100 credit for the Typesafe Shop.

All of the winners and runners up will be showcased on our blog, and all Template submissions will be featured on


The Activator Team, along with partners Bold Radius, will judge all entries and select the first place winner and three runners up.

  • Havoc Pennington, Activator Tech Lead
  • Maxime Dantec, UI Designer
  • Jim Powers, Activator Engineer
  • Henrik Engstrom, Activator Engineer
  • Alejandro Lujan, Senior Software Developer and Training Lead at BoldRadius
  • Patrick Premon, Functional Programming Architect at BoldRadius


  • To qualify for entry the template must feature new and original content.
  • Follow instructions for creating a template on the Contribution page and tagged as "scaladays2014".
  • You must have the project completed and submitted by midnight Pacific Standard Time on June 6th, 2014. Late entries will not be accepted.
  • Content must be appropriate for a technical audience, including people of many different backgrounds. Sexual language, innuendo, and imagery is not appropriate for any submission.
  • You must be over the age of 13.