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Going Reactive in Java with Typesafe Reactive Platform


Reactive application development is no longer a luxury enjoyed by a handful of early visionaries like Netflix, Twitter and Etsy.

"Going Reactive" has entered the mainstream, now considered mission-critical for future growth by more "traditional-style" companies like Walmart (read their insightful case study), Bank of America, Visa, Harvard University and The New York Times. We're witnessing the intense growth of a new wave of business applications that are message-driven, elastic, resilient and responsive by nature, designed to scale elastically and fail gracefully while still maintaining responsiveness.

Inspired by the introduction of functional features in Java 8, namely lambdas, it's even easier than before for Java developers to embrace tools designed for building distributed systems that deliver highly-responsive user experiences. Regardless of whether you code in Java or Scala, Typesafe Reactive Platform, including Play and Akka, provides a resilient and message-driven application stack that scales effortlessly on multicore and cloud computing architectures.

Watch the webinar video (~ 60 minutes)



If you missed Jamie's April 28th webinar, watch this recording above to hear an industry veteran's compelling introduction to Reactive application development with Typesafe from the Java developer’s perspective. Here you can learn a bit about how Typesafe supports the entire Reactive application development lifecycle to offer a foundation of Reactive development with give an overview of our tools and ecosystem.

Useful resources to check out

If you'd like to do something right now, we've got a get-started tool called Typesafe Activator, a browser-based GUI for new users to easily find and use resources–feel free to start with the mini-package download. For Java developers, the best ones to start with are probably the Activator templates for Java 8 and Play Framework in addition to Akka Steams in Java 8.


p.s. We're always looking to improve our resources and user experience, so if you see something awesome or horrible, please leave comments below or tweet @Typesafe. Have a productive day!