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Hootsuite Success Story: How Hootsuite Modernized Its URL Shortener

Today we are excited to share a new case study with our friends at Hootsuite, a widely used social media relationship platform. This specific use case focuses on, Hootsuite’s popular URL shortening and click analytics service. The tool became so popular and such a critical part of the Hootsuite product, that the the engineering team found themselves dedicating much more time and cost into keeping the service performant and reliable than they expected.

Because was originally built on PHP and MySQL, which processes requests serially and creates a bottleneck around's performance, the Hootsuite team began looking for a solution to modernize this critical part of the platform at a reasonable cost, while maintaining 100% service uptime.

Ultimately, the Play Framework was the solution, as it enabled the Hootsuite engineering team to create an event-based architecture that allowed blocking external calls to scale better.

Read the full case study to learn more! And check out more about technology and innovation at Hootsuite by visiting their blog.