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How Lightbend Helped Three Traditional Enterprises Break Into New Markets With Streaming, Fast Data Systems

How These “Brick & Mortar” Businesses Gained Competitive Advantage With Fast Data

By now you’ve probably heard about the “SMACK stack”, Fast Data, streaming and IoT. But what do you do when your management team tells you to get started? Where to start? How will this sort of shift in designing Fast Data and streaming systems affect your organization? What do you do a year down the road when it comes to deploying, monitoring and managing these systems?

This article takes a deeper look at how three traditional, brick-and-mortar style businesses–Norwegian Cruise Lines, Swisscom and UniCredit Group–crossed the chasm into Fast Data with technologies, support and services from Lightbend.

At the end, take a look at our upcoming Fast Data Platform, an integrated platform that helps you build, deploy and run Fast Data and streaming applications with technologies like Akka, Spark, Kafka, Mesos, Flink and Lightbend Reactive Platform.

Norwegian Cruises To Record Profits With Zero Downtime Using Akka, Play and Scala

Since 1966, Norwegian Cruise Lines (NCL) has gained a reputation for being the avant-garde of the cruise line industry, with an impressive award list: World’s Leading Large Cruise Line, Europe’s Leading Cruise Line, and Caribbean’s Leading Cruise Line.

In order to win business from fierce competitors, NCL approached Lightbend for aid in decomposing their monolithic legacy architecture to a more modernized development model based on a microservices architecture. NCL selected Akka, Play and Scala, and since then have experienced zero downtime across 65 deployments, along with an increase of revenue from $650M to $1B in 2015.


Switzerland’s Largest Telecom Provider Ships A Major New Data Pipelining Service In Less Than A Year With Akka, Scala and Spark

Swisscom is Switzerland’s leading telecommunications provider, and since the 1800s has been well known for being one of the most sustainable companies in Switzerland. Swisscom leveraged Lightbend to the utmost advantage when they set their minds to building a data analytics platform that would be able to deliver a highly-detailed analysis at nationwide scale.

In the course of 9 short months, the team built their first set of commercial assets using Apache Spark as their data processing layer, as well as Akka and Scala, along with ongoing best practices and developer assist as part of their Lightbend subscription.


UniCredit Launches New Fast Data Customer-Insight Platform In Record Time With Akka, Play, Scala and Spark

In 2012, UniCredit Group, a leading European financial group based in Italy, was faced with the difficult task that many companies struggle with to this day; the profound inability to efficiently access and quickly analyze vast amounts of historical data stretching back almost 40 years. UniCredit needed to modernize, and fast.

Their solution? UniCredit's Group Research and Open Innovation team carefully selected Apache Spark with Akka, Play and Scala from Lightbend, and within two extremely short weeks their team rolled out a prototype application. Just three weeks after that, the same platform was rolled into production.


Walking In Their Footsteps: Meet Lightbend Fast Data Platform

If these stories are inspiring to your team, get in touch with a Lightbend representative for a brief 20-min introductory call to discuss our upcoming Lightbend Fast Data Platform that provides enterprises with:

  • An easy, accelerated onramp for building, deploying, and running Fast Data clusters and services
  • Intelligent, machine learning-based monitoring and management to keep your applications resilient, scalable, and responsive with minimal user intervention
  • A curated platform that tracks the industry, supporting your application as your needs evolve

To learn more about Lightbend FDP, check out this Technical Overview for Decision Makers (no sign up required):