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scala play-framework case-study

Huffington Post Case Study: Building a Solid Platform with Typesafe

We're excited to share a new case study that chronicles how the Huffington Post, a leading online news source, built a new integrated platform to propel them through the next stage of their skyrocketing growth with the Typesafe Reactive Platform. Adam Denenberg, Huffington Post’s VP of Engineering, wanted to prepare for the next wave of users who create thousands of hours of video, billions of Likes, and millions of tweets each day. Adam engaged with Typesafe for Scala training to bring his team up to speed and make sure the project went smoothly:

“Scala was new to the group, so having commercial support and training was a big benefit for Huffington Post,” shared Adam. “We’ve had really good success getting quick resolutions to questions. Plus, when we wanted some help with Slick, a Typesafe consultant came out for four hours. We got ten people in the room and got everyone up to speed. That’s the kind of responsiveness and engagement that we really like.” 

Check out the full case study to learn more, and thanks to HuffPost for sharing their story!