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monitoring akka

Introducing Reactive Monitoring 1.0 Beta with open evaluation for Reactive Platform users

What it is

Reactive Monitoring 1.0 Beta provides the expert instrumentation you need to effectively visualize, track and fix your Reactive applications.

We understand that current available monitoring solutions give limited insight into the health, performance, and inner workings of your Reactive applications. Whether it's the inflexibility of configuration, high performance overhead, or simply lower capabilities when it comes to metrics, events, traces and thresholds for actors, what's needed is a solution by the experts behind Akka, Play and Scala. 

By leveraging our first hand knowledge about Reactive applications, we’ve instrumented the Reactive Platform to provide the most useful set of metrics for developers and operations. Our focus with Reactive Monitoring is on getting the right information out of Reactive Platform applications and integrating with existing monitoring solutions, including direct integration with custom and in-house monitoring infrastructure in the future.

  • Takipi is the first third-party monitoring solution to be supported
  • Actor Metrics for Akka is the first module to be released

How to try it now

Reactive Monitoring is a featured module inside of Reactive Platform, which is required to use Reactive Monitoring. No worries if you aren't using Reactive Platform yet––getting started with it is a simple adjustment to an sbt build. For this beta, we strongly recommend that you use 1.0 Beta on staging or tests servers, and not in production yet.