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Introducing Scala into a Java Environment

Today we’re excited to share a new Scala use case with BrandAirport, a leading provider of Marketing Resource Management systems in Sweden. BrandAirport needed to develop a new version of their “Sign and Print Module” that would be easier for non-technical users to use; they engaged Mejsla, a Stockholm-based consulting firm to help build this new module.  The resulting solution consisted of a brand new Scala module that smoothly integrated with the existing Java environment.

An interesting point of this success story is that BrandAirport did not have any developers with prior knowledge of Scala! They chose to learn Scala along the way, so with the help of both mentoring and Scala literature, a seasoned Java developer picked up Scala well enough to be productive within the first two or three weeks of the project - in spite of only having a part time commitment in the project.

Check out the full case study here and many thanks to Karl Dickson of Mejsla for sharing the story!