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Scala Days 2018 Is A Wrap! Dive Into The Video Recordings

Markus Eisele Director Developer Advocacy, Lightbend, Inc.

Scala Days 2018 in New York and Berlin

Scala Days Europe and North America are over. After many weeks of raising excitement and anticipation, we can finally look back on two successful events in both Berlin and New York. We are thankful for the more than 1400 attendees in total and hope everybody had a great time.

Scala Days Europe happened in Berlin for the third time already. The completely sold out event had more than 900 attendees and once again came back to the wonderful Kosmos in the heart of Berlin near the Alexanderplatz. Not surprisingly, Martin Odersky’s keynote got the conference off to a rapturous applause, and was a clear signal for the rest of the event! You can find the recordings of all sessions and keynotes in the Scala Days Europe collection. If you can read and understand German, you might be interested in the post-event coverage by Lutz Huenken. Find more impressions in this Flickr photo-set.

Scala Days 2018 New York lived up to the hype. With a smaller venue, we attracted 500 of like-minded Scala developers, friends and sponsors that descended upon midtown Manhattan to exchange info, learn from talks, and celebrate. The three tracks exclusive of keynotes and the final panel sessions also got recorded and will appear in the Scala Days North America collection over the next couple of days.

If you can't wait for the next conference you should head over the Reactive Summit website and keep an eye on the schedule that is going to be announced over the next couple of weeks! See you there!