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Java 8 Survey Results

Last month, we asked folks to share their views about Java 8 and received more than 2,800 responses from developers around the world. The findings offer really fascinating insight into the community’s plans for the upcoming release. Today we published a short report, and we're excited to share the findings with our readers.

Some interesting data points from the survey...

  • Immediate Java 8 Migration Plans: 65% of Java developers have plans to upgrade to Java 8 within the next 24 months. 
  • Overwhelming Appetite for Lambdas: Survey respondents were asked which Java 8 features they were most excited about. 83% selected lambda expressions and virtual extension methods. 
  • Oracle Making Progress With Java Security: Focusing on better securing the Java platform was the main reason cited for last year's decision to delay shipment of Java 8.  We asked respondents whether they believe that Oracle has since done a good job of getting Java security on the right path, and 59% believe they have.

Other key areas addressed in the report include:

  • Upgrade plans for Java 6 vs. Java 7 users
  • Java 8 as a JRE and compilation target
  • Most anticipated new features of Java 8 (full list)
  • Lambdas and Scala -- friend or foe
  • App Server, JVM, JRE ordered popularity by Java developers

A huge thanks to all who completed the survey! We look forward to hearing how your adoption plans progress down the road. You can download the full report here, and we also encourage you to register for the upcoming webinar on March 26th: Going Reactive with Java 8. The webinar will explore how Java 8's lambdas make building Reactive applications a whole lot easier and cleaner. Through code examples, Typesafe tech leads will show you how to build event-driven, scalable, resilient, and responsive applications with Java 8, Play Framework and Akka. On the web side, you will learn about using lambdas for async & non-blocking requests & WebSockets. You will also learn how the actor model in Akka pairs well with lambdas to create an event-driven foundation that provides concurrency, clustering and fault-tolerance.

Happy reading and hope to see you on March 26th!