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Lightbend Fast Data Platform 1.2 Released

Craig Blitz Sr. Product Director, Lightbend, Inc.

New Release Includes Expanded Kubernetes Support And New Management Features

The Fast Data team at Lightbend is happy to announce the release of Fast Data Platform version 1.2, adding Kubernetes support plus new features. If you’re just hearing about it, Lightbend Fast Data Platform is a curated distribution of open-source and commercial technologies for designing, building, and deploying streaming, Fast Data applications and microservices.

In the image above, you can see our Fast Data Platform Manager for full lifecycle management and monitoring of your application clusters. Fast Data Platform provides one-stop-shop vendor support for Apache Kafka, Apache Spark, Akka Streams, Kafka Streams, HDFS, the Lightbend Enterprise Suite, integration with OpsClarity for monitoring, and support tools.

New Features In 1.2

There are several new features in this release. At the meta-level, they include updates to several component versions, and a greatly simplified process for deploying the sample apps. Specifically, here is what you get:

  • A preview release of Apache Hive on Spark to allow for easier migration of existing workloads.
  • Announcing that Apache Flink is now certified for production use.
  • Improvements to Spark and Kubernetes integration on Mesos.
  • Improved installation procedure for a growing list of sample applications, making it easier for you to deploy modified versions of those sample apps.
  • Better customization options for components during installation.

For Lightbend Customers

For production use, Lightbend Fast Data Platform recommends Mesosphere DC/OS v1.11.1 or newer, Enterprise Edition. DC/OS Open Source can be used for non-production scenarios, such as development and testing. This release of DC/OS introduces commercial support for Kubernetes, which is the preferred way to deploy Lightbend Reactive Platform applications. For customers who don’t use Kubernetes, release 1.10.4 can also be used.