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Lightbend Podcast: Adriaan Moors Reflects On 10 Years With Scala (16 min)


In this podcast, I sit down with Adriaan Moors, Scala Tech Lead at Lightbend, who shares his reflections on the last 10 years with Scala, and his recent article in Oracle's Java Magazine "Scala: Deeply Functional, Purely Object-Oriented", which details how Scala unifies object-oriented and functional programming in a mature, fun, practical and type safe language for the Java platform. In this short interview, we discuss:

  • Adriaan's upcoming article for Oracle’s Java Magazine, and his goals in describing the history, growth and embrace of Scala by Fortune 500 enterprises, including examples, code snippets and resources for developers.
  • The strongest indicators of Scala’s growth over the last decade, and especially the corporate interest in enterprise adoption in the last couple years.
  • Discussing what we hear from many of our customers that their teams have been able to do far more with a lot less in Scala compared to other languages - from LoC and type-safety to simply needing fewer developers to get the job done.
  • What business leaders and managers should know about the enterprise impacts of adopting Scala, including common concerns with introducing Scala into a Java team, and how have some enterprises addressed them.​

Thanks for listening in, and check out for other interesting conversations! 

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