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Lightbend Tech Digest - October 2016

Markus Eisele Director Developer Advocacy, Lightbend, Inc.

Happy Halloween! We're keeping the lights bright with our October Tech Digest on Akka, Lagom, Play and Scala!

To contribute to amplifying the news, articles, guides and how-tos out there, feel free to reach out on Twitter at @myfear to point me towards relevant resources. Now it’s time to sit back, grab a coffee and relax while you read through this month’s highlights!


Articles, Webinars and Books

Code-snippets and other highlights

Thanks for reading! To get the freshest updates, follow @Lightbend, @AkkaTeam, @Lagom, @playframework@scala_lang and @scala_sbt on Twitter.

p.s. if you'd like to get in touch with someone at Lightbend, let us know: