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Microservices in Production: What Ops Should Know About Reactive Systems

Whether you call them microservices (the industry favorite), picoservices, uniservices, decoupled services, or even “SOA done right”, one thing is clear: enterprise deployment of microservices-based applications is no longer a fringe concept enjoyed only by a handful of early adopters. 

The largest enterprises like Facebook, Google, Netflix and Twitter are measuring their data in Petabytes—but even smaller companies are hungry to keep up with these big players, and strive to mimic the same quality of user experience; however, this places enterprise Operations teams in a difficult position, since deploying, managing and monitoring distributed, asynchronous systems has not been the main focus until recently.

In Microservices in Production: What Ops Should Know About Reactive Systems, we’ll review just how today’s demands on Operations are simply not met by yesterday’s software architectures and technologies, discussing:

  • What got us here: the growth of mobile and IoT (2005-2020)
  • What Reactive microservices-based systems look like today
  • What Reactive microservices-based systems becoming mainstream means for Operations 
  • Why existing Operations processes and methodologies are inconvenient for Reactive microservices-based systems
  • How existing Operations tools and technologies have not been designed from the start for Reactive microservices-based systems 
  • Why the costs and risks caused by improper tools are higher than ever

The pressure facing enterprises to manage resilient, responsive applications is brutal, yet most existing technologies available today are not designed to deploy and manage Reactive, microservices-based systems running on clusters. It's due to this fact that Operations face a higher risk of downtime by using inappropriate tools/practices at a time when being unavailable is more costly than ever.

Download the white paper, or for more direct solutions to microservices in your project, please get in touch with us today!