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Modernizing Your Aging Architecture: What Every Enterprise Architect Needs To Know About Going Reactive


If you're an Enterprise Architect, the idea of architecture modernization is probably on your mind a lot; with the explosion of Reactive applications now entering the mainstream, understanding the implications of "Going Reactive" is a good thing to look into. After all, what do you do when you need to react quickly to competitive threats or new line of business demands, but your existing architecture is anything but nimble? In this conversational-style webinar with Principal Analyst at Forrester Research, Michael Facemire, and Typesafe Enterprise Advocate, Kevin Webber, we go discuss some of the questions Architects are asking, such as:  

  • How can my organization start the journey towards modernizing our existing applications and infrastructure?
  • Is it time to completely start over with a new enterprise architecture, or can you can augment your existing systems to become more resilient and responsive? 
  • What does “Going Reactive” mean for Development and Operations teams?
  • What are the business drivers and market forces that we should be aware of?

Watch the full 60-minute presentation



Recent News: Typesafe and Mesosphere partner up

In case you missed the announcement, Typesafe now offers commercial support for enterprises deploying Apache Spark standalone or Spark on Apache Mesos/Mesosphere DCOS. We're happy to be the certified support partners of both Databricks and now Mesosphere! So, if you'd like to talk with someone at Typesafe, feel free to ping us!