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Moving from Big Data to Fast Data? Here's How To Pick The Right Streaming Engine

Advice From Dean Wampler On Use Cases For Akka Streams, Kafka Streams, Apache Flink & Apache Spark




For many businesses, the batch-oriented architecture of Big Data–where data is captured in large, scalable stores, then processed later–is simply too slow. Nowadays, it’s an evolving breed of stream-oriented Fast Data architectures, where data is processed as it arrives, that are providing businesses like PayPal and Credit Karma with a competitive advantage.

But for most people we’ve talked to, there is rarely a “one size fits all” technology that can handle all streaming use cases. With so many stream processing tools, which ones should you choose? There are several considerations when making the right selection for the specific needs of your application, such as:

  • Latency: How low is necessary? What types of tasks are you processing? 
  • Volume: How high is required? Is Complex Event Processing involved?
  • Integration with other tools: Which ones and how? We know that nothing lives in isolation in these systems
  • Data processing: What kinds? In bulk? As individual events?

Watch this webinar with Dean Wampler, VP of Fast Data Engineering at Lightbend, Inc., to better equip you and your team with the context and background to make the right decision when it comes to adopting streaming frameworks. We will look at how four of the more mature technologies in this area–Akka Streams, Kafka Streams, Apache Flink and Apache Spark–serve particular needs and use cases in both Fast Data and microservices architectures that need to manage continuous streams of data.

Watch The Full Video + Expert Q/A (44 Min)


Need More Resources?

During the live webinar session, we asked a poll question to our audience of 200+ attendees:

What would help you or your team most in adopting streaming frameworks / Fast Data applications?

In order to help those who didn't attend, we have these following resources to check out. As always, feel free to Contact Us if you have any questions or would like to have a 20-min introductory call with a Lightbend representative.

45% - Educational Materials To Download And Share

26% - More On Training For Fast Data

Lightbend offers professional and expert-level training courses so that organizations and individuals can choose what’s best for them, based on their needs and requirements. From Apache Spark and Scala to Akka, Akka Streams, Lagom and Play, our certified training courses deliver what your team requires to get started successfully.

13% - Expert Interaction With Lightbend Engineers

Included in every Lightbend Subscription is our Developer Assist service, providing your team deep, personal interactions with our engineers and project committers to accelerate team learning and project success. No call centers. No redirects. No nonsense.

Do you have a specific need you are looking to address with Reactive Platform? Look into some of our Consulting and Enablement Services to liftoff your team or grow your adoption of the Reactive Platform.

16% - A Platform To "Rule Them All"

Check out Lightbend's upcoming Fast Data Platform, which provides enterprises with:

  • An easy onramp for building, deploying, and running Fast Data clusters and services.
  • Intelligent, machine learning-based monitoring and management of running clusters to keep them resilient, scalable, and responsive while requiring minimal user intervention.
  • A curated platform that tracks the industry, supporting your application as your needs evolve.