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React 2014 in SF: Speakers, Discount Tickets and more!

Get ready for a meeting of the most prolific minds at the heart of the Reactive community. On November 18th, Typesafers Jonas Boner, Roland Kuhn, Ryan Knight and Dean Wampler will join Martin Thompson, Ben Christensen and other luminaries for the second React Conf. React is a  mixture of talks, speaker clinics and workshops that offer a an articulate and coherent journey through the reactive stack, trait by trait, UI to database.

Here are some quotes from attendees at the London event last April:

“In terms of access to the speakers, I personally found React amazing – I got to speak to almost all of them without even trying.”

“The one thing that I really enjoyed about React was the single room / track approach – it meant that, unlike bigger conferences, everyone had a shared experience which made for some great discussions during the breaks.”

To give you a taste for the topics that will be covered, below are the abstracts that our team will be covering.

Life Beyond the Illusion of Present
Jonas Bonér, CTO and co-founder of Typesafe

The idea of the present is an illusion. Everything we see, hear and feel is just an echo from the past. But this illusion has influenced us and the way we view the world in so many ways; from Newton’s physics with a linearly progressing timeline accruing absolute knowledge along the way to the von Neumann machine with its total ordering of instructions updating mutable state with full control of the “present”. But unfortunately this is not how the world works. There is no present, all we have is facts derived from the merging of multiple pasts. The truth is closer to Einstein’s physics where everything is relative to one’s perspective.

As developers we need to wake up and break free from the perceived reality of living in a single globally consistent present. The advent of multicore and cloud computing architectures meant that most applications today are distributed systems—multiple cores separated by the memory bus or multiple nodes separated by the network—which puts a harsh end to this illusion. Facts travel at the speed of light (at best), which makes the distinction between past and perceived present even more apparent in a distributed system where latency is higher and where facts (messages) can get lost.

The only way to design truly scalable and performant systems that can construct a sufficiently consistent view of history—and thereby our local “present”—is by treating time as a first class construct in our programming model and to model the present as facts derived from the merging of multiple concurrent pasts.

In this talk we will explore what all this means to the design of our systems, how we need to view and model consistency, consensus, communication, history and behavior, and look at some practical tools and techniques to bring it all together.

Models of Reactive Programming
Dean Wampler, Typesafe consultant and distributed computing specialist

The Reactive Manifesto codifies the characteristics of systems designed to support the demands of modern Internet and Enterprise organizations. These systems are event- or message-driven, scalable, resilient, and responsive. The manifesto isn’t prescriptive; rather it distills the lessons learned from many popular models and particular example systems. In this talk, I’ll discuss how several specific techniques and more comprehensive models support the manifesto’s four characteristics, … or don’t.

For techniques, we’ll look at callbacks, futures, and reactive streams. For comprehensive reactive models, we’ll look at Functional Reactive Programming (FRP), Reactive Extensions (Rx) and the Actor Model. By comparing their relative strengths and weaknesses, I’ll draw lessons for building reactive applications that meet your particular requirements.

Go Reactive: Hands-On with Play, Akka and Scala (2 Day Workshop)
Roland Kuhn, Akka tech lead at Typesafe and Ryan Knight, Senior Consultant at Typesafe

Reactive Applications are the next major evolution of the Internet. They allow for applications to be responsive, scalable and resilient by building on a fully event-driven foundation. Typesafe:s Reactive Platform consisting of the Play Framework, the Akka middleware and the Scala programming language embraces this new programming paradigm which allows developers to write interactive applications that are always available and which adapt to changing load by being distributed by design.

In this 2-day tutorial session we will be building a reactive application using Play and Akka. The application will consist of a clustered back-end service and a web front-end querying it using a RESTful API. We will walk through the process of designing such an application and learn how the implementation is structured, including a tour of the tools used for Going Reactive.

Check out the full agenda at If you are interested or involved with building scalable, responsive and resilient systems, we really encourage you to attend.

The organizers are offering the Typesafe community 10% off the conference ticket price with the code: REACTSF2014

Register today!