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reactive microservices

Reactive Microservices Architecture: free O'Reilly report by Lightbend CTO Jonas Bonér

eBook Cover - Reactive Microservices Lightbend CTO Jonas Bonér has teamed up with O'Reilly Media to publish a new report called Reactive Microservices Architecture: Design Principles for Distributed Systems. Register to get this free report in PDF, MOBI and EPUB formats (or all three!) 

If you continue to struggle with a monolithic enterprise system that’s difficult to scale and maintain–and even harder to understand–then this report provides the context to comprehend Microservices architectures and understand the implications to your future systems. It goes over why these Microservices architecture–which consist of small, independent services–is far more flexible than the traditional all-in-one systems that continue to dominate today’s enterprise landscape.

You’ll explore an architecture based on Reactive principles for building an isolated service that’s scalable, resilient to failure, and combines with other services to form a cohesive whole. Specifically, you’ll learn how a Reactive microservice isolates everything (including failure), acts autonomously, does one thing well, owns state exclusively, embraces asynchronous message passing, and maintains mobility.

The report also discusses how Reactive microservices communicate and collaborate with other services to solve problems. Get a copy of this exclusive report and find out how to bring your enterprise system into the 21st century.