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Revitalizing Enterprise Integration with Reactive Streams

How To Bring Reactive To Your Legacy Integrations

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As software grows more and more interconnected, and with several generations of software having to interoperate, a new take on the integration of systems is needed—ad hoc, unversioned, and unreplicated scripts just won’t suffice, and Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) have known stability, reliability, performance, and scalability problems.

By now, you’ve probably heard of Reactive Streams, and how it delivers backpressure to streaming workloads to ensure that different system components don’t overload each other with traffic. This is all good if you’re able to start a new project from scratch, but what about your existing system components that need interoperability?

In this webinar for Architects and Developers, Lightbend Deputy CTO Viktor Klang explores what's new with Enterprise Integration Patterns, including a review of the Reactive Streams standard, an orchestration layer where transformations are standalone, composable, reusable, and—most importantly—using asynchronous flow-control (i.e. backpressure) to maintain predictable, stable, behavior over time. Viktor also describes how one-off workloads relate to continuous–and batch–workloads, and how they can be addressed by that very same orchestration layer, and just how this type of design achieves resilience, scalability, and, ultimately, responsiveness.

Watch The Full Presentation (72 Min)

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What To Do Next

If you're too excited to wait, here are some places to visit to help get your Reactive integration journey started: 

Of course, Lightbend is always here to support your enterprise needs for Reactive microservices, Fast Data and streaming applications, and more. Set up a time to chat with us if the time is right!