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Rod Johnson to Judge Developer Contest

Halloween is this week and now you will really have something to be afraid of...  Rod Johnson will be one the judges for the Typesafe Developer Contest!  Imagine the horror of getting a code review from the guy who created Spring!  (Don't let that scare you away, he's promised to go easy on everyone.)

Rod is truly an authority on Java architecture, a thought leader on open source development and business models, and a popular speaker at conferences around the world. We're honored that he's participating as a judge in our contest.

You can still submit your sample applications that demonstrate the power and functionality of the Typesafe Stack for the chance to win $1000, $500 and $200 for the first, second and third placed entries respectively. And don't forget that every complete entry receives a free t-shirt!

In addition to Rod, entries will be judged by our panel of experts: Martin Odersky, Jonas Bonér, Viktor Klang, Peter Hausel and Josh Suereth.

Get the full details on the developer contest and submit your app before the November 30th deadline!