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Scala Days 2012 Speakers Announced

Scala Days 2012, co-sponsored by Typesafe and scheduled for London April 17-18, 2012, is quickly approaching.

Scala Days offers a unique annual opportunity to engage with the Scala community, hear keynote speakers, be exposed to cutting edge research related to Scala, and compare notes about commercial applications of Scala and related frameworks including Akka and Play.

Keynote speakers for Scala Days 2012 will include:

  • Guy Steele - Guy is a Software Architect and Principal Investigator of Programming Languages in the Programming Languages group at Oracle Labs. He has contributed to the implementation and standardization of many popular programming languages and is currently heavily involved in Fortress, a high performance language designed to obsolete Fortran.
  • Simon-Peyton Jones - Simon is a researcher at Microsoft Research in Cambridge, England. Best known perhaps for being the major design contributor to the Haskell programming language and the Glasgow Haskell Compiler (GHC). His main interests are in the design, implementation and application of lazy functional languages.
  • Anthony Rose - Anthony is the Co-Founder/CTO of Zeebox and the technology visionary behind a revolutionary social TV concept that has attracted the attention of the whole television industry and 15 million pounds early investment from BSkyB. For many he is recognised for being the driver behind the extremely successful BBC IPlayer, a service replicated on many TV channels world wide. 
  • Martin Odersky - Martin is the creator of Scala and co-founder of Typesafe, the commercial provider at the heart of the Scala ecosystem.

Talk proposals are still being accepted through Feburary 22, 2012.  Speakers receive free admission to the full conference.

Register now while early bird rates are still available.  We look forward to seeing you in London this April!