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UPDATED! Scala Days San Francisco Presentation Roundup

Just a quick update that the Scala Days San Francisco videos are now available to watch on Parleys! Check them out.


The Typesafe crew is thrilled to share that Scala Days SF was just fantastic. A big thanks to all who attended. We were wowed by our awesome keynoters, speakers and volunteer staff, and it was great to feel the excitement and energy at the beautiful Fort Mason.

A few attendees remarked how the conference even felt different compared to the previous ones we’ve attended.  It was not as evangelical but more mature and practical in nature. This is an exciting thing as it means we're seeing Scala adoption from more mainstream enterprise companies and developers. We’re very much looking forward to Scala Days Amsterdam!

Again, we wanted to say a big thank you to all the sponsors, speakers and our partners at Trifork for making the event possible.

Monday, March 16th

Tuesday, March 17th


Wednesday March 18th