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scala akka play

Scaling the Klout API with Scala, Akka, and Play

David Ross has a great post on the Klout engineering blog today on their use of Akka, the event-driven middleware at the heart of the Typesafe Stack:

"Back in March, we had just released the Scala Play! Framework API infrastructure that we had been writing the previous few months. Previously, disparate teams were responsible for their own serving infrastructure; now, having a central platform has empowered Klout to scale to a billion API requests per day and export powerful new functionality to partners.  Six months after launch, we’ve made some serious improvements to the API’s scalability and availability using Akka’s rich toolset for concurrent programming. Though Akka is mostly famous for its implementation of the Actor Model, I’m going to talk about two other Akka features, Futures and Agents."

Read the complete story on the Klout engineering blog.