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java monolith microservices legacy

The 6 Rules for Modernizing Your Legacy Java Monolith with Microservices

Kevin Webber illustrates the Microservices approach

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We change a monolithic system only when we have no other choice. Traditional enterprise systems are tightly-coupled; all-in-one, all-or-nothing, difficult to scale, difficult to understand and difficult to maintain.

Rather than swiftly capture opportunity, we ponder if it’s really worth it—is it worth upsetting the delicate balance of the house of cards we call our enterprise system? Often the opportunity quickly disappears, captured by a faster company. Some people have started calling this “Getting Ubered”.

So what can you do about it? Talking about Microservices is one thing, but how can your organization start taking action to address this issue?

In this webinar by battle-hardened Enterprise Advocate, Kevin Webber, we walk through the 6 key concepts to understand as a guide for taking action:

  • Domain Driven Design (DDD)
  • Asynchronous messaging 
  • API management
  • Dependency management
  • CQRS & event sourcing
  • Transactions & ordering

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Hit the greenfield running

Recently released as an MVP, Lagom is a Reactive Microservices Framework that provides a prescriptive approach to decomposing your legacy systems and building new greenfield microservices with a single command. If you'd like to know more about what is in store for your organization's Operations team, check out the white paper Microservices in Production: What Ops Should Know About Reactive Systems.