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Submit your proposal for Scala Days Berlin!

Happy 2014! A friendly reminder that the Call for Papers for Scala Days 2014 in Berlin is open until January 30th, so you have just under a month to submit your proposals for the chance to speak at the leading Scala event of the year.

Scala Days 2013 in NYC was a huge success, with a sold out attendee list of over 500 people that included community members and influencers, an opening keynote by Scala creator, Martin Odersky on Scala with Style, and a guest keynote by Rod Johnson on his predictions and vision for the language. There were numerous awesome breakout sessions- you can watch the videos on our Parley's site as a refresher, or to get a sense for the types of the tracks the Scala Days committee is looking for this year.

Please feel free to reach out to with any questions, and prepare an abstract of your talk (less than 1000 words) and submit your proposal today!

Lastly, if you're interested in supporting Scala Days 2014 as a sponsor or in another capacity, please complete the Contact Us form on Hope to see you in Berlin!