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The Basics Of Reactive System Design For Traditional Java Enterprises

When You Have To Go Beyond Simply Asynchronous...

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Like most things in life, in software there exists an Old and a New way of doing things. The growth of computing power, increase in the sheer number of users, cheaper and more available hardware, and the explosive IoT market mandates that we build our systems using modern methods that diverge from past. 

This modern way is called “Reactive”, which was first co-authored by Lightbend in 2013 with the Reactive Manifesto and now has over 15,000 signatories. With 2017 nearly upon us, we now see the market widely embracing Reactive in response to the many Architects, Developers and DevOps practitioners failing to meet tough new demands on their systems using last year’s technologies and monolithic designs.

Yet with this popularity, Reactive as a term is being overloaded and confused. Some believe that asynchronous messaging alone is good enough. As we will see, this is only part of the puzzle.

In this webinar aimed at Architects and Developers working with more traditional Java environments, Lightbend’s Sean Walsh and Duncan DeVore take us on a journey that goes beyond just asynchronous programming and into the very basics of designing Reactive systems as a whole. We will review:

  • Why simply implementing asynchronous messaging is only part of the puzzle, and what it means to build entire systems as a whole based on the principles of Reactive system design: message-driven, resilient, elastic and responsive.
  • How to avoid repeatedly building monoliths by embracing the tried-and-true concepts of Domain Driven Design (DDD), Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) and Event Sourcing.
  • How the Actor Model with Akka makes concurrency a breeze and harnesses clustered computing capabilities to divide and conquer work.
  • How to design systems that can self-heal, self-scale, both up and down and truly provide the most real time and responsive experience for your customers, clients and partners while being a joy to program and maintain.


Watch the complete video (45 min + Q/A)

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Learn More About Reactive Systems For Microservices And Fast Data

In addition to Sean and Duncan's book Reactive Application Development (click to get free sample chapters and a 40% discount code), here are some other resources you may enjoy:

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