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webinar fastdata spark

The How and Why of Fast Data Analytics with Apache Spark

The rise of Apache Spark, explained


By now, you’ve probably heard the praise surrounding Apache Spark and are wondering if it’s exactly what you’re looking for. In short, evolving Internet use created petabyte data sets that no one could manage with traditional tools in a cost-effective way; tools like Hadoop and NoSQL databases emerged to handle Big Data.

In recent years, Fast Data, not Big Data––featuring technologies like Spark, Akka and Akka Streams, Kafka, Cassandra and Mesos––has been more important to react to real-time events and decision making; slower batch processing of large data sets with Hadoop MapReduce is not always as important for most SMEs. So if your data pipeline is bloated and ready for an upgrade, this webinar will provide you with an overview of what Spark is and gain an understanding of why it is indeed the right tool to improve your Fast Data strategy.

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For more information...

Perhaps it's time to ignite your Spark project with Lightbend. First, check out Fast Data: Big Data Evolved, by our Big [Fast] Data expert Dean Wampler. Then, get in touch to ask about a Proof of Concept (PoC), including introductory training, consulting and full lifecycle support with up to 24/7 production SLA from Lightbend experts, when you're ready.