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Typesafe Repository Maintenance this Weekend

Just a quick heads-up that on Sunday, some maintenance work will take place on the Typesafe repository hosted by our friends at JFrog. This is as a precursor to the removal of the typesafe-readonly repository which is going to be retired in a week or so, and in order to find out if anyone is still using that URL directly, the URL redirects are going to be disabled.

It is anticipated that this will not affect anyone using the legitimate Typesafe repository URLs, but just in case, please take note of the following.

The only repository URL you should be using for the Typesafe repository is:

That will always point to the correct repository. If you are using anything else to obtain artifacts from Typesafe servers you should change them to the above resolver URL. In particular, if you see any problems after Sunday, check your resolver URLs and make sure they are correct.

