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VirtusLab cooperates with Typesafe on release of Scala IDE 4.1.0


We're happy to promote that our friends at VirtusLab have become official contributors to the latest release of Scala IDE, version 4.1.0. In the original announcement, VirtusLab describes their efforts in helping the community and Typesafe make a first-class IDE for Scala development:

We will cooperate with Typesafe, Inc. on development of new releases with a great number of enhancements and features aimed at skyrocketing productivity of Scala developers. We are proud to be part of the team that has undertaken the great effort to build the IDE for Scala Community. Their work has had a great impact on popularity and adoption rate of the Scala language. 


Aside from 76 closed tickets addressing bug fixes and performance improvements, the new and noteworthy feature updates for Scala IDE 4.1.0 include:

For more information, check out the Scala IDE community website, or be brave and click the button below!