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“Week of Scala” with Manning Publications

At Typesafe, we are incredibly fortunate to have some of the top scholars in the Scala, Akka and Play Framework academic communities contributing to our technologies. As our roots are in academia, we are committed to supporting the ebooks that help developers learn the skills they need to be successful adopting new open source tools.

We’re excited to launch 'Week of Scala,' a joint promotion with Manning Publications where we highlight a new book each day that is special to us and hand-picked by the Typesafe team. We also collaborated with Manning to select a second book for each day of the week, and will be offering our choices at a 50% discount on their site! You can even read excerpts from some of the books online for free by clicking on the links below.

We hope you enjoy the deals! We’ll be Tweeting and updating our blog with the daily discount codes throughout the week, so stay tuned. Also, be sure to drop by the CodeRanch Week of Scala Forum to chat with these authors and other Scala junkies any time this week.

Here’s the schedule:

Monday, February 4, 2013

Discount Code: scalawkd1

Scala in Depth

by Josh D. Suereth, Senior Software Engineer at Typesafe*
"Scala in Depth is the Effective Java of Scala, the book every serious Scala developer just has to read. I highly recommend it as your second Scala book." -Jonas Bonér

*To read an excerpt, click here!

You also might be interested in:

 DSLs in Action 

 by Debasish Ghosh

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Discount Code: scalawkd2


Play for Scala

by Peter Hilton, Erik Bakker, and Francisco Canedo
“If you’re interested in getting started with Play 2 from a Scala perspective, this is absolutely the book to get!” -Jonas Bonér

*To read an excerpt, click here!


You also might be interested in:
HTML5 in Action
by Rob Crowther, Joe Lennon, Ash Blue and Greg Wanish


Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Discount Code: scalawkd3  




Akka in Action
by Raymond Roestenburg and Rob Bakker
“This is a great book to read if you want to get started by Akka and understand how to use it in the real world. Written by one of the first production users of Akka.” -Jonas Bonér

*To read an excerpt, click here!

You also might be interested in:
Camel in Action
by Claus Ibsen and Jonathan Anstey


Thursday, February 7, 2013

Discount Code: scalawkd4




Scala in Action
by Nilanjan Raychaudhuri, Developer at Typesafe*
"Scala in Action provides a great beginning to Scala, with particular focus on what blended functional & object-oriented programming looks like." -Josh D. Suereth

*To read an excerpt, click here!

You also might be interested in:
Single Page Web Applications  
by Michael S. Mikowski and Josh C. Powell

Friday, February 8, 2013

Discount Code: scalawkd5


Functional Programming in Scala

by Paul Chiusano and Rúnar Bjarnason
If you are interested in learning how to fully utilize Scala's functional side, then this is the book to get. Will teach you everything from basic to advanced use of functional programming.” -Jonas Bonér

*To read an excerpt, click here!

You also might be interested in:
The Joy of Clojure
by Michael Fogus and Chris Houser

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Discount Code: scalawkd6


Play for Java

by Nicolas Leroux and Sietse de Kaper
If you want to get started with using Play 2 from a Java perspective then you should start reading this book.” -Jonas Bonér

You also might be interested in:
The Responsive Web
by Matthew Carver


Sunday, February 10, 2013

Discount Code: scalawkd7


Scalatra in Action

by Ivan Porto Carrero, Ross A. Baker, Dave Hrycyszyn, Stefan Ollinger, and Jared Armstrong

*To read an excerpt, click here:

You also might be interested in:
The Well-Grounded Java Developer
by Benjamin J. Evans and Martijn Verburg


 *To read an excerpt, click here:




We’d like to thank Manning Publications for making “Week of Scala” possible, as well as the folks at CodeRanch for helping us promote this deal!


Happy Reading!