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Welcome to Scala Days SF: for the N00bs

Scala Days SF is right around the corner and the entire Typesafe team is super excited to host the Scala community in the Bay Area on March 16-18th. We hope you all can join us!

We’re incredibly lucky to have such an amazing lineup of brilliant speakers this year, from veteran Scala wiz Shadaj Laddad, to award-winning author, Venkat Subramaniam. Martin Odersky, creator of Scala, a professor at EPFL, and co-founder of Typesafe., Danese Cooper, Distinguished Member of Technical Staff-Open Source at Paypal, and Dianne Marsh, Director of Engineering Tools at Netflix, will keynote the conference. Additionally, Craig Motlin will discuss Scala usage at Goldman Sachs, Lee Mighdoll will present Scala at Nest, and the Databricks team has several talks on Scala and Spark. The list goes on...

Whether this is your first Scala Days, or you’re a dedicated alumni, we thought we’d pull together a comprehensive guide of the sessions, keynotes and events you shouldn’t miss.

If you still need to grab your tickets, you can do so here, or email with any questions. 

For the n00bs

If you’re new to Scala, it can be overwhelming to sort through the entire agenda and find the sessions that guide you in the right direction. Below are our recommendations for speakers/sessions to attend for newcomers.

Monday, March 16th

5:00- Scala - Where it came from, where it's going (Keynote)
Martin Odersky is the creator of Scala and a professor at EPFL. His Monday night keynote will be a great way to set the stage for the conference, familiarizing you with the history of the language and what we can expect to see moving forward. Plus join us for a reception afterwards to meet fellow attendees.

Tuesday, March 17th

10:25- Essential Scala: Six Core Principles for Learning Scala
Noel Welsh, a Partner at Underscore, shares how programmers quickly and effectively learn to write idiomatic Scala.

11:35- Life Beyond the Illusion of Present
Jonas Bonér, Typesafe co-founder and creator of Akka, will explore how the advent of multicore and cloud computing architectures means that most applications today are distributed systems- a fundamentally new way to think about time and state. He'll cover what all this means to the design of our systems, how we need to view and model consistency, consensus, communication, history and behaviour, and look at some practical tools and techniques to bring it all together.

1:20- Apache Spark: A Large Community Project in Scala
Patrick Wendell, Databricks, introduces Spark and recounts various lessons learned maintaining a large code base and developer community in Scala. 

2:30- Whirlwind tour of the Scala Ecosystem
Josh Suereth, a Senior Software Engineer at Typesafe, will familiarize you with the Scala world.

3:40- Improving Correctness With Types
Iain Hull, Software Engineer at Workday, gives a talk is aimed at Scala developers with a background in object oriented programming who want to learn new ways to use types to improve the correctness of their code. It introduces the topic in a practical fashion, concentrating on the “easy wins” developers can apply to their code today.

4:50- Anatomy of a Modern Play Application
Marconi Lanna, Originate, helps take your Play application and development workflow to the next level.

6:00- Easy Scalability with Akka
Michael Nash, Delivery Executive at BoldRadius, will introduce the Actor pattern, and show how Akka brings this pattern easily and simply to the JVM for enterprise developers.

Wednesday, March 18th 

10:25- Some Things Never Change: Immutable Data in the Real World
Kelsey Gilmore-Innis’ (a back-end engineer at PagerDuty) session at Scala Days explores how to handle immutable data when building programs, and examines other benefits and tradeoffs in the practice of programming with immutable values.

11:35- Scala IDE from 0 to 4.0
Iulian Dragos, Scala IDE lead engineer at Typesafe, will introduce you to Scala IDE 4.0, which has been in development for more than 2 years and includes a slew of new features and performance improvements.

1:20- Scalable task distribution with Scala, Akka and Meso
Dario Rexin is a Distributed Systems Engineer at Mesosphere Inc. In his presentation you’ll learn how to utilizes Scala and Akka to reliably deploy applications in a cluster and how to ensure that a configured number of instances is always running.

2:30- If I Only Had a Brain...In Scala
Julie Pitt is an engineering leader-turned-entrepreneur building brain-inspired software. In her session she’ll take us on a journey into the human brain and explore why Scala is the ideal language in which to build brain-inspired AI algorithms.

3:40- Legacy modernization from monolithic PHP to reactive SOA
Mike White, a Senior Engineer at Hootsuite, shares how the social platform scaled towards 100M users, by undergoing an architectural transformation from legacy monolithic PHP to reactive SOA with Scala, Akka, and Play.

4:50- Reactive Slick for Database Programming
Stefan Zeiger is the tech lead for Slick at Typeafe. This talk will introduce you to the database library Slick and show you how to use this new API to safely compose and execute database calls.

6:00- Closing Panel with the Scala team!
Join us for a closing panel with the Scala team at Typesafe and ask questions about roadmap, key features and more!

Next week, we’ll feature Big Data talks, academic sessions and other attendee favorites.

Don’t miss out! If you haven’t grabbed your tickets yet you can register here. Hope to see you at Scala Days :)