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Data Processing Agreement

Last updated: March 6th, 2024

This Data Processing Agreement (“DPA”) supplements the Agreement (and related statements of work, attachments, schedules, exhibits and the like) between Lightbend, Inc. (“Supplier” or “Lightbend”) and “Customer” for the purchase of Services and / or Software from Lightbend, to the extent Lightbend Processes Personal Data on behalf of Customer and/or Customer Controllers, as applicable.

The parties acknowledge and agree that (i) when Customer is acting as a Data Controller, Lightbend will be a Data Processor acting on behalf of Customer, and (ii) when Customer is acting as a Data Processor on behalf of Controller Customers, Lightbend will be acting as Customer’s Sub-Processor.

This DPA applies to all activities related to the Agreement and in which employees of Lightbend or Data Sub-Processors commissioned by Lightbend Process Personal Data on behalf of Customer and/or Customer Controllers, as applicable. It contains, in conjunction with the Agreement, the documented instructions for the Processing of Personal Data, as well as the subject-matter, duration, nature, purpose of the Processing, and shall govern the rights and obligations of the parties in connection with the Processing of Personal Data.

Articles of this DPA also apply to the Processing of Non-Personal Data, as noted.